Ledges, oil, 8" x 10"
The Forest and the Trees, oil, 10" x 12"
The Judges, oil, 18" x14"
In the Heart of Things, oil, 14" x 18"
Blue Mesas, oil, 9" x 12"
Where the Morning Begins, oil, 8" x 10"
Summer, Walpole Pond, oil, 9 x 12
Cardinal Flowers, oil, 9" x 12"
The Other Side, oil, 14" x 18"
Tankers on the Siding, oil, 12" x 16"
Winter Field, Late Afternoon, oil, 12" x 16"
Monterey Backyard, oil, 14" x 18"
The Source in March, oil, 12" x 16"
Half-Submerged, oil, 14" x 18"
Sycamores and Goldenrod, oil, 12" x 16"
Open River on a Winter Day, oil, 14" x 18"
An Opening, oil, 8" x 10"
A Path in the Woods, oil, 11" x 14"
Late Light on the Mill Pond, oil, 14" x 18"
Warts and All, oil, 9" x 12"
Yellow Fields Beyond, oil, 114" x 18"
Above It All, oil, 9" x 12"